Feldweg an der Schnur / Field path on the string
Harxheim field name
1 “IM HEIDENLOCH” (1413)
The word “heath” in this place by no means means an uncultivated land. The name may be more likely to heather grain (buckwheat). In 1825, about 1,800 hundredweight of wheat and large quantities of barley and oats were harvested here. Possibly this designation also means “Gentiles, non-Christians, traveling people” who actually wintered here.
The name “Kronenberg” is derived from the cranes that must have existed in greater numbers in this area at the time of naming.
1 “ON THE CURRENT”, locally also “ON THE SAME”.
This is a high, level field and vineyard over which the wind whistles or purrs, or “snurrt” in Middle High German.
2 “IM OSTERBERG” (1328)
Presumably, Easter fires were burned here, which is why this area received the name “Osterberg”.
In 1304 and still at the beginning of the 15th century, the name “Affirterberg”, an area planted with apple trees on the mountain, is also documented for this Gewann.
Field Names (April 1, 2023). https://www.namenforschung.net/forschungsfelder/ortsnamen/flurnamen/
Field Names (April 1, 2023). https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flurname
Schäfer, Siegfried. Professor Dr. Klaus Faiß: Father of the Harxheim cadastral tables. In: 1250 Jahre Harxheim ed. Local community of Harxheim. Selzen 2017, page 43 to 44.