Field path through Kalmit
Harxheim field name
1 “KALMIT” (1309)
The name consists of Middle High German “kal / kalwe” (bald) and Latin “mons / montem” (mountain), which suggests a hill with sparse vegetation.
2 “IM STEGKLAUER” (1309)
A narrow path (footbridge) through wet meadowland
(Claw) gave the name.
3 “IN THE NINE MORNES” (probably 17th c.)
This area used to cover nine times the area that was plowed in one morning.
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Schäfer, Siegfried. Professor Dr. Klaus Faiß: Father of the Harxheim cadastral tables. In: 1250 Jahre Harxheim ed. Local community of Harxheim. Selzen 2017, page 43 to 44.