Harxheim field name
1 “LIETH” (1309)
The meaning of the name “Lieth” is not entirely clear. The terms “hillside” or “slag heap” would correspond to the appearance of the terrain. Perhaps, however, the meaning “brightness” comes into question, since the field name denoted a cleared, light place in otherwise wooded terrain. Such clearings were carried out on a larger scale since the 12th century, mainly to gain arable and pasture land.
The official name “Behind the hedge” recalls the former protective enclosure of villages with a ditch and a rampart planted with dense hedges. Locally, the name “In der Haar” has also been handed down. “Haar” (17th century) is the vernacular form of “Heuer” (1373), which refers to the Old High German word “houg” (mound, burial mound). This fits with the Frankish cemetery discovered in the upper part.
From a Harxheim parcel map of 1839 / 40, which was made by Friedrich Schweickhard, it can be seen that the parcel “An der Heuer” extended over the western part of the areas “Über Rück” and the eastern part of the “Lieth”.
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Schäfer, Siegfried. Professor Dr. Klaus Faiß: Father of the Harxheim cadastral tables. In: 1250 Jahre Harxheim ed. Local community of Harxheim. Selzen 2017, page 43 to 44.