War and post-war times in Harxheim

The war and post-war years had Germany fully in their grip at the time. But how did the years and circumstances affect life in a typically agricultural community like Harxheim?

The Selz position – Harxheim fortification group

The Selz position – Harxheim fortification group

The Selzstellung, now widely forgotten, was built in the period from 1907 to the early years of World War I and is considered one of the largest fortifications in the German Empire at the time. It consisted of more than 350 fortifications stretching in a wide arc from...

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Bomber crash August 17, 1943 – Harxheim escapes disaster

Bomber crash August 17, 1943 – Harxheim escapes disaster

On the return flight from a heavy American double attack on Schweinfurth and Regensburg, a heavily hit American bomber of the type B-17F crashed into the Harxheim area. Of the 10 crewmen, two died, three others are considered missing, and five crewmen became German...

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Harxheim cultural home “Kulturheim”

Harxheim cultural home “Kulturheim”

The Harxheimer Kulturheim was built in 1950/51 by own contributions of the men's singing club Frohsinn and the sports community 03 as Harxheimer sport and celebration place. In 1967 the celebrations of the 1200th anniversary of the village took place here. With the...

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After World War II, 12 million Germans from the East sought a new home in the Federal Republic. In Harxheim, for example, one of the many secondary commercial group housing estates with 28 building units for new citizens was built in the Friedensstraße at the...

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Tough post-war years and “Harxheim tomatoes

Tough post-war years and “Harxheim tomatoes

Spring 1945 - Germany had surrendered. After a short occupation by the Americans, Rheinhessen became a French occupation zone. The hard years of war were followed by years of hardship for the people of Harxheim after the war.According to decisions of the Yalta...

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March 20, 1945 – The Americans arrive

March 20, 1945 – The Americans arrive

Barely three weeks before the German surrender on May 8, 1945, American troops were on the advance through Rhine Hesse and were about to cross the Rhine. In the course of this advance, Harxheim was liberated on March 20, 1945, and survived that day without fighting or...

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Turn of the times – Harxheim from 1933 to 1945

Turn of the times – Harxheim from 1933 to 1945

National Socialist ideas fell on fertile ground in Rheinhessen and Harxheim was no exception. Soon after the seizure of power in 1933, National Socialist structures were also established in our town. Opponents of the system were subjected to hostility and reprisals....

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