Field path in the Lochsteig
Harxheim field name
In old documents the name always appears with the preposition “An” and with the spelling “-tt”, which reminds of the old German personal name “Hatto”. Since the Hartenberg was forested, Hatto was provided with
“hart” – Old High German for “forest” – from which in the 17th century. the present name of the field came into being.
2 “IM FREIMUTH” (17th c.)
“Free” means that the property was free from levies. The word part “-muth” cannot be interpreted without earlier evidence. A possible reference is to the Latin word “mons / montem” (mountain), which would fit the location of this parcel.
1 “AUF / AN DER LOCHSTEIG” (ca. 1382)
The parcel owes its name to the ascending path (Steige) to the parcel “Im Loch”.
The name is related to “flow”. “Raft” means drainage channel or ditch. This fits well with the water channel that can form there in wet years.
3 “UNDER THE SPELL” (1839-40)
This term comes from “ban” with the meaning of commandment or prohibition under threat of punishment. Accordingly, the area was subject to the prohibition of general use, i.e. it was reserved for manorial use.
1 “AUF DEM / AUF DER, locally also IM ZEHNTFREI” (probably 17 c.)
This refers to a plot of land for which the tenth part of the proceeds did not have to be paid to the respective lordship, as was usually the case.
2 “IN THE HOLE” (1367)
The name “Im Loch” is based on the Middle High German word “loch” (forest, grove), which denotes a sparse forest that can be used as pasture. Thus, the name has nothing to do with the shape of the terrain – a depression.
The first part of the name contains the Middle High German “lûz / lius” (hiding place, lurking place). Possibly this was a favorite hunting ground where game was waylaid.
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Schäfer, Siegfried. Professor Dr. Klaus Faiß: Father of the Harxheim cadastral tables. In: 1250 Jahre Harxheim ed. Local community of Harxheim. Selzen 2017, page 43 to 44.