Am Schloßberg / At the castle hill
Harxheim field name
1 “at / in the castle hill”
This is a reinterpretation of the field name “Am / Im Schoßberg”, which still appears in a map of 1839 / 40. The term “lap” could refer to an acute-angled piece of land, which was the case here. However, it could also be related to the term “sapling” and then, together with the addition of “-berg”, mean a planting field located on rising ground. The locally transmitted name “wehdewinjerd” indicates the Gewann as a vineyard located on the Weed. A weed is an artificially created pond or a pond used as a cattle watering place, which actually existed here in the past. Weeden have mostly disappeared in Rheinhessen today and only field names remind us of them.
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Field Names (April 1, 2023).
Schäfer, Siegfried. Professor Dr. Klaus Faiß: Father of the Harxheim cadastral tables. In: 1250 Jahre Harxheim ed. Local community of Harxheim. Selzen 2017, page 43 to 44.