Tall buttercup
The tall buttercup (Ranunculus acris) has a hollow, weakly hairy branched stem arising from a very short rhizome, at the end of which are bright yellow flowers.
Basal bottom leaves are long-stalked and palmate 5- to 7-lobed.
Caution: When fresh, the buttercup is poisonous!
The sharp buttercup belongs to the buttercup family.
Flowering time: May – July
Beiser, Rudi: Our edible wild plants. Kosmos Nature Guide 2018
Bühring, Ursel: Praxis-Lehrbuch der modernen Heilpflanzenkunde; Grundlagen – Anwendung – Therapie. Sonntag Publishing House Stuttgart 2005
Pahlow, M. Pharmacist: Medicinal Plants. Bechtermünz Publishing House Augsburg 2001
Schneider, Christine: Finding wild herbs. Ulmer Publishing House Stuttgart 2017
Recipe by Dr. Markus Strauß www.dr-strauss.net