Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Pure nature, Wild plants 1
Fence beet The poisonous fence beet (Bryonia dioica) is deeply rooted in the ground with a beet-shaped root. The angular stem can reach a height of 4 m. With the help of tendrils it climbs up fences and other supports. Therefore, overgrowth of small trees and shrubs...
Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Wild carrot Wild carrot (Daucus carota): Several pinnate, narrowly lanceolate leaves grow on a furrowed hairy stem. The umbel flower with small, white single flowers is spread flat. In the middle of them usually sits a blackish dark red flower. After flowering, it...
Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Medicinal plants, Pure nature
Hawthorn Hawthorn (Crateagus monogyna) grows as a medium-sized shrub or small tree. The white flowers, which stand in umbel panicles, and the pointed thorns are the namesakes here. The short-stalked leaves, usually three-lobed at the front, are irregularly serrate at...
Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Medicinal plants, Pure nature
Ribwort The narrow, lanceolate leaves of the perennial plantain (Plantago lanceolata) stand in a basal rosette close to the ground. From the center of which arise 10 to 40 cm long erect leafless stems, at the end of which are short, egg-shaped and beige-brown spikes....
Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Chickweed Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a dainty herb that grows prostrate and often in dense pads. Small, ovate, pointed, dark green leaves grow opposite on strongly branched, rounded stems. The small, star-shaped white flowers with 5 deeply lobed petals sit at the...