Field thyme
Field thyme (Thymus pulegioides), also called quender, has an aromatic fragrance. Its brown-red, square stem creeps over the ground and is woody in the lower part.
The small, oval leaves face each other in pairs. At the end of the stem are cylindrical inflorescences of pale pink single flowers.
Family and collection time
The field thyme belongs to the labiates family.
Parts of the plant used: Leaves, flowers
Collection time in detail:
- Leaves: All year
- Flowers: June to September
Healing effect and application
Healing effect:
Thyme tea relieves the irritation of the cough and finds application in gastrointestinal disorders.
Ingredients: (selection)
- Essential oil with thymol
- some tannins and flavonoids
Recipe for the kitchen:
Use as a spice in southern cuisine with a wide variety of pizza and pasta variations, and as a seasoning in salads.
Beiser, Rudi: Our edible wild plants. Kosmos Nature Guide 2018
Bühring, Ursel: Praxis-Lehrbuch der modernen Heilpflanzenkunde; Grundlagen – Anwendung – Therapie. Sonntag Publishing House Stuttgart 2005
Pahlow, M. Pharmacist: Medicinal Plants. Bechtermünz Publishing House Augsburg 2001
Schneider, Christine: Finding wild herbs. Ulmer Publishing House Stuttgart 2017
Recipe by Dr. Markus Strauß