Garlic rocket
The leaves of the garlic weed (Alliaria petiolata) grow opposite on an angular stem, at the top of which are several small white flowers with 4 petals.
The upper leaves are pointed, heart-shaped and strongly toothed at the edge.
The lower leaves near the ground are kidney-shaped and coarsely notched at the edge. If you rub the leaves between your fingers a garlic scent rises
Family and collection time
The garlic root belongs to the family of cruciferous plants.
Parts of the plant used: Leaves
Collection time in detail:
- Leaves: The young leaves from April to June
Healing effect and application
Healing effect:
Antiseptic mustard oil glycosides, diuretic, metabolism stimulant
Application in naturopathy:
Ideal for spring cures
Ingredients: (selection)
- Antiseptic mustard oil glycosides
Recipe for the kitchen:
The upper leaves and shoot tips are best processed fresh and used as an addition to salads and in herb curd, tastes subtly spicy garlic and cress.
Beiser, Rudi: Our edible wild plants. Kosmos Nature Guide 2018
Bühring, Ursel: Praxis-Lehrbuch der modernen Heilpflanzenkunde; Grundlagen – Anwendung – Therapie. Sonntag Publishing House Stuttgart 2005
Pahlow, M. Pharmacist: Medicinal Plants. Bechtermünz Publishing House Augsburg 2001
Schneider, Christine: Finding wild herbs. Ulmer Publishing House Stuttgart 2017
Recipe by Dr. Markus Strauß