The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is a very adaptable plant. The strong root grows up to 30 cm long. The leaves are arranged in rosettes, irregularly lobed and strongly toothed.
Bright yellow flower heads sit on the hollow sap-containing stems.
The ripe fruits (dandelion) are equipped with parachute-like appendages that the wind can carry very far.
Collection time
Collected and used the plant parts at different times of the year and for different purposes. Root and leaves can be used fresh or hung in an airy place and dried. At 40 degrees you can also dry them in the oven. The yellow flower heads are collected for the production of dandelion honey. They are used fresh. For example, the flower buds can be marinated.
Parts of the plant used: Leaves, flower, flower buds and root
Collection time in detail:
- Leaves: March – October
- Flowers: April – May
- Flower buds: March – April
- Roots: October – February
Healing effect and application
Dandelion stimulates the kidney and liver to increased activity. It performs well in disorders of bile flow. Typical applications are digestive complaints and loss of appetite. It is also used for chronic rheumatic complaints.
Ingredients: (selection)
- Bitter substances (Taraxacin)
- Vitamins (especially Vit. C)
- Minerals (much calcium)
- Tannins
Application in the kitchen (recipes)
Recipe dandelion salad
Dandelion salad Ingredients:
- 3 handfuls of young fresh dandelion leaves
- 3 tablespoons grated carrots
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- Juice of half a lemon
- Salt and pepper
Dandelion Salad Preparation:
Wash the dandelion leaves well (shake them off well, if necessary pat them a little dry with kitchen paper) and cut them into pieces and put them in a bowl with the grated carrots. Mix the salad dressing and pour over the salad. Decorate the salad with dandelion flowers and enjoy.
Recipe dandelion honey
Dandelion honey ingredients
- 200 g dandelion flowers
- 1 liter water
- 1 organic lemon
- 500 g jelling sugar 2:1
- Preserving jars with screw cap
Video tutorial preparation dandelion honey
Source: YouTube Channel HVV-Harxheim, Content: Harxheimer Kräuterfrauen
Dandelion honey preparation:
Pick the dandelion flowers in the sunshine. At home then A certain time on a sieve give the little animals that may still be in the flowers a chance to escape. Then put the flowers unwashed and in 1 liter of water and infuse overnight.
The next day, simmer this cold extract for 15 minutes. in the meantime, shave off the lemon zest (about 1/2 lemon zest) and squeeze the lemon.
Now sieve the extract, preferably additionally with a cloth to keep the suspended matter as low as possible. Lightly squeeze the cloth in the sieve.
Combine the preserving sugar, lemon zest and the juice of the squeezed lemon in a saucepan with the stock and boil for 4 minutes, stirring gently.
Just pour the hot “honey” into screw-top jars – it’s ready and can be consumed immediately after cooling.
Image: HVV-Harxheim
Image: HVV-Harxheim
Dandelion honey
Image: HVV-Harxheim
Bon appétit!
Beiser, Rudi: Our edible wild plants. Kosmos Nature Guide 2018
Bühring, Ursel: Praxis-Lehrbuch der modernen Heilpflanzenkunde; Grundlagen – Anwendung – Therapie. Sonntag Publishing House Stuttgart 2005
Pahlow, M. Pharmacist: Medicinal Plants. Bechtermünz Publishing House Augsburg 2001
Schneider, Christine: Finding wild herbs. Ulmer Publishing House Stuttgart 2017
HVV-Harxheim (recipe dandelion salad)
Harxheim herb women (recipe dandelion honey)