May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Field names “Flurnamen (…) are names for agriculturally used areas (fields, meadows, vineyards, fallow land, etc.), community-owned facilities (bakehouse, gallows) and natural objects (forest, paths), which are located outside of settlements”...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Old Mommenheimer Street Harxheim field name 1 “IN THE HAMMER” (probably 17th c.) The name for this field designation could be derived from the hammer-like shape of the terrain at that time or from the Middle High German word “hamel” ([steile]...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Küchelbergweg Harxheim field name 1 “IN THE BEAN MORNING”The local field name “Im Bohnenmorgen” possibly refers to the word Bogen, which can easily become “bohne” in dialect. The corridor the size of an acre is then designated...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Field path on Nack Harxheim field name 1 “IN DER KÜHHOHL” (1685)This was the name given to a pasture used especially for cows and located in or near a hollow. A hollow refers to an elongated, deep depression or hollow way. 2 “ON NACK / BEHIND...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Lieth Harxheim field name 1 “LIETH” (1309)The meaning of the name “Lieth” is not entirely clear. The terms “hillside” or “slag heap” would correspond to the appearance of the terrain. Perhaps, however, the meaning...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Field path through Kalmit Harxheim field name 1 “KALMIT” (1309)The name consists of Middle High German “kal / kalwe” (bald) and Latin “mons / montem” (mountain), which suggests a hill with sparse vegetation. 2 “IM...