Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, Harxheim Points of Interest, War and post-war times in Harxheim
Friedenstraße After World War II, 12 million Germans from the East sought a new home in the Federal Republic. In Harxheim, for example, one of the many secondary commercial group housing estates with 28 building units for new citizens was built in the Friedensstraße...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, War and post-war times in Harxheim
Tough post-war years and “Harxheim tomatoes Spring 1945 – Germany had surrendered. After a short occupation by the Americans, Rheinhessen became a French occupation zone. The hard years of war were followed by years of hardship for the people of Harxheim...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, War and post-war times in Harxheim
March 20, 1945 – The Americans arrive Barely three weeks before the German surrender on May 8, 1945, American troops were on the advance through Rhine Hesse and were about to cross the Rhine. In the course of this advance, Harxheim was liberated on March 20,...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, Local history, War and post-war times in Harxheim
Zeitenwende – Harxheim von 1933 bis 1945 Das nationalsozialistische Gedankengut fiel in Rheinhessen auf fruchtbaren Boden und Harxheim bildete hier keine Ausnahme. Schon rasch nach der Machtergreifung im Jahr 1933 etablierten sich auch in unserem Ort...
Nov 28, 2022 | Chronicle, Local history
Dance and traditional costume group Harxheim The dance and traditional costume group of the SG03 Harxheim has been very active and well known far beyond the local borders since 1963. It is an integral part of the opening event of the Harxheimer Weinhöfefest and the...
Nov 25, 2022 | Chronicle, Harxheim tales
The local scales – the scales at the former railroad crossing in Bahnhofstraße In addition to the Harxheim local scales in Untergasse, there was another scale in Bahnhofstraße directly at the former railroad crossing in the direction of Lörzweiler. The scale...