Dec 5, 2022 | Chronicle, Churches in Harxheim, Harxheim Points of Interest, Local history
The Protestant Church in Harxheim The Protestant church in Harxheim dates back to 1873. However, many centuries before that, a Christian church stood on this spot and became a witness to contemporary history. In particular, political and war events and the Reformation...
Dec 5, 2022 | Chronicle, Churches in Harxheim, Harxheim Points of Interest, Local history
Former evangelical vicarage Until the beginning of the 1950s, the Lutheran parsonage was located at Bahnhofstraße 3. The present building was erected in 1836/37. However, the late Baroque archway in the courtyard wall dates from an earlier construction period. The...
Nov 30, 2022 | Chronicle, Local history
Harxheim and the Counts of Falkenstein What does Harxheim have to do with a dynasty of counts whose ancestral seat is at Falkenstein Castle near Falkenstein/Donnersberg, almost 60 kilometers away? The answer is simple – a long shared history. As early as 1190,...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, Geologie, Local history, War and post-war times in Harxheim
The Selz position – Harxheim fortification group The Selzstellung, now widely forgotten, was built in the period from 1907 to the early years of World War I and is considered one of the largest fortifications in the German Empire at the time. It consisted of...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, War and post-war times in Harxheim
Bomber crash August 17, 1943 – Harxheim escapes disaster On the return flight from a heavy American double attack on Schweinfurth and Regensburg, a heavily hit American bomber of the type B-17F crashed into the Harxheim area. Of the 10 crewmen, two died, three...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, Local history, War and post-war times in Harxheim
Harxheim cultural home “Kulturheim” The Harxheimer Kulturheim was built in 1950/51 by own contributions of the men’s singing club Frohsinn and the sports community 03 as Harxheimer sport and celebration place. In 1967 the celebrations of the 1200th...