Fence beet

Fence beet

Fence beet The poisonous fence beet (Bryonia dioica) is deeply rooted in the ground with a beet-shaped root. The angular stem can reach a height of 4 m. With the help of tendrils it climbs up fences and other supports. Therefore, overgrowth of small trees and shrubs...
Gallant soldier

Gallant soldier

Gallant soldier Gallant soldier (Galinsoga parviflora): Its glabrous, erect stem grows pointed, ovate, opposite leaves with serrated margins. The flower heads consist of a yellow corolla and 5 white, short ray florets. There are large gaps between the 2-3 toothed...
Lesser burnet saxifrage

Lesser burnet saxifrage

Lesser burnet saxifrage On a round, finely grooved and downy-haired stem, the leaves of the lesser burnet (Pimpinella saxifraga) grow mainly near the ground. They consist of 3 to 5 pairs of roundish and marginally coarsely serrate leaflets and a single terminal...


Tansy TOXIC ! The stem of the poisonous perennial tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is almost glabrous and brown-red overflowing and usually unbranched. The simple pinnate leaves do not face each other. The leaflets are elongated, pointed with serrated incisions. The intense...
Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a 2-year-old plant that forms a rosette of leaves close to the ground in the first year, with long, narrow leaves that are slightly toothed at the edges. Leaves and the hairy stem often have a reddish tinge. In...
Wild mallow

Wild mallow

Wild mallow Wild mallow (Malva sylvestris) grows long-stalked, usually five-lobed leaves on a pubescent stem. Tufts of 2 to 6 long-stalked, pinkish-purple petals, interspersed with darker leaf veins, sit in the leaf axils. The wild mallow reaches a height of 50 to 120...