Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Wild carrot Wild carrot (Daucus carota): Several pinnate, narrowly lanceolate leaves grow on a furrowed hairy stem. The umbel flower with small, white single flowers is spread flat. In the middle of them usually sits a blackish dark red flower. After flowering, it...
Apr 26, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Chickweed Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a dainty herb that grows prostrate and often in dense pads. Small, ovate, pointed, dark green leaves grow opposite on strongly branched, rounded stems. The small, star-shaped white flowers with 5 deeply lobed petals sit at the...
Apr 25, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Shepherd’s purse Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) forms a rosette of leaves consisting of elongated, strongly notched leaves. The heart-shaped seeds are on long stalks around the stem. Small, white flowers sit at the top of the stems. The plant...
Apr 24, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Groundsel Groundsel (Glechoma hederacea) creeps along the ground and erects itself on its flowering shoots. Its small, kidney- to heart-shaped leaves sit opposite each other on a square stem and are strongly notched at the edges. Above the pairs of leaves are small...
Apr 24, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Field thyme Field thyme (Thymus pulegioides), also called quender, has an aromatic fragrance. Its brown-red, square stem creeps over the ground and is woody in the lower part. The small, oval leaves face each other in pairs. At the end of the stem are cylindrical...
Apr 24, 2023 | (Healing)Herbs, Edible wild plants 1, Pure nature
Speedwell / Veronica In our region, the densely growing Persian speedwell (veronica persica) can be found. It reaches a height of 10 -30 cm. Its heart-shaped, coarsely notched leaves grow on hairy stems. In the leaf axils are the blue, long-stalked flowers. The small...