Rheinhessen is the world’s largest growing region for Silvaner. The wines go very well with the powerful regional cuisine.
Franconia is the second largest growing region for the Silvaner grape variety after Rheinhessen in terms of area. Since the end of the last century, the percentage of the vineyard area planted with Silvaner vines has been constantly decreasing. In Germany’s largest winegrowing region, Rheinhessen, 1,990 ha* (7%, 2021) are planted with Silvaner vines. The share of Silvaner vines in Harxheim is 10.6%* (2021). Here, too, the trend of Silvaner vines is decreasing. In 2001, it still had a share of 17%.
Place value
Silvaner wines have a rather neutral character. Its mild acidity goes well with powerful regional cuisine. However, the Silvaner is also capable of producing quite fine menu wines. As a rule, the Silvaner is a light wine. It is very good to drink as a young wine, but it also has a very great potential for aging.
The generations before us called the Silvaner vine Austrian, probably referring to its origin. Along with Rheinhessen, Franconia is traditionally one of the largest wine-growing regions for Silvaner.
Scientists puzzled for quite a few years about the origin of the grape variety. Again and again a Roman, a Middle Asian or an origin from Transylvania were discussed. Only the possibility of genetic studies towards the end of the last century revealed that Silvaner is a cross between the varieties Traminer and Austrian white. Thus, the origin of the Silvaner grape from the alpine region is undoubtedly assured. In Germany, it was first mentioned in documents in the 17th century in the wine-growing region of Franconia.
When the Silvaner is aged in stainless steel tanks, it shows a fine fruity and filigree character. Some winemakers also place the Silvaner wines in wooden barrels for further aging. This then develops wines that are a little more powerful and spicy. However, the Silvaner will not lose its original character despite aging in wooden barrels.
The wines have a fine, fruity aroma that can vary many times, from gooseberries, green apples, pears, quinces, black currants, melons, lychee, bananas, tangerines, grapefruit to limes. They are joined by herbaceous species such as thyme and mint. Silvaner has a very broad aroma. Silvaner is an ideal food companion due to its harmonious character and fine acidity. It goes well with asparagus, poultry, fish and also with pasta dishes.
As of 08.12.2022: Rheinhessenwein e.V. 2022 White grape varieties Silvaner
German Wine Institute 2022 White grape varieties Silvaner
Wikipedia 2022 Silvaner
Chamber of Agriculture Rhineland-Palatinate, EU vineyard register, status 2022