Register of local citizens from 1837 to 1887 – Citizenship in the 19th century
In the past, anyone who wanted to live in Harxheim had to be recognized and registered as a local citizen. On the list of Harxheim citizens from 1837 – 1887 there are many surnames which are still more strongly represented in Harxheim today..
Before this article deals with the register of local citizens of the municipality of Harxheim in more detail, first of all some remarks on this.
The predominant attributes of citizenship were the power to vote in municipal affairs, to elect or be elected, and to share in municipal property. The right of domicile or citizenship could be acquired by birth, admission, marriage or by means of employment in a public office. Whoever possessed this right could settle in the community, marry, but also carry on a trade, purchase a plot of land and have a share in the commons (common property).
Moving to another municipality did not automatically result in the loss of municipal rights. This occurred, however, upon the acquisition of a different native or common law or citizenship. In the worst case, it could even be decided to expel the community member, for example, for committing a crime. Thus, the original home municipality even had to accept the (also impoverished) home beneficiary back. Nevertheless, in several municipal laws conditions were attached to admission, e.g. two years of residence in the respective municipality, of course connected with tax payment. In many cases, it was possible to acquire municipal citizenship for a corresponding “citizen’s fee”. Those who lived in the community for a certain period of time were even entitled to financial support in case of impoverishment.
In this appendix are now listed all (male) local citizens, who had their residence in Harxheim in the above mentioned period. Such a “citizen register” is an important aspect for the social history of a village. One or the other may even find his ancestors again.
Brockhaus’ Kleines Konversations-Lexikon, 5th edition, vol. 1, Leipzig 1911
Speyer State Archives. Stock U 207, No. 14 – 15 Harxheim local archive
Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Vol. 9, Leipzig 1907