

Goldenrod Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) reaches a height of up to 1 m. The leaves are arranged alternately on a round stem. The yellow flowers are located on the upper part and are arranged in clusters or panicles. Goldenrod Image source: 47216816 –...
White goosefoot

White goosefoot

White goosefoot The partially reddish stem of the white goosefoot (Chenopodium album) is slightly furrowed. The leaves are gray-green on top and lighter on the underside. The leaf shape is elongated oval to diamond-shaped and usually toothed at the edges. The small...
Field thyme

Field thyme

Field thyme Field thyme (Thymus pulegioides), also called quender, has an aromatic fragrance. Its brown-red, square stem creeps over the ground and is woody in the lower part. The small, oval leaves face each other in pairs. At the end of the stem are cylindrical...
Mountain ash

Mountain ash

Mountain ash Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) grows both as a tree or as a shrub. The leaves are sharply toothed with up to 19 individual pinnules. The white, stoutly fragrant, umbel-like flowers form orange-red berries in late summer. Mountain ash Image source:...
Speedwell / Veronica

Speedwell / Veronica

Speedwell / Veronica In our region, the densely growing Persian speedwell (veronica persica) can be found. It reaches a height of 10 -30 cm. Its heart-shaped, coarsely notched leaves grow on hairy stems. In the leaf axils are the blue, long-stalked flowers. The small...


Nettle Nettle (Urtica dioica and Urtica urens) grows everywhere near human dwellings and reaches a height of 15 to 150 cm. Coarsely toothed leaves, which have stinging hairs, grow opposite on an unbranched tetragonal stem. Inflorescences are yellowish green and upward...