Mar 9, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish population in Harxheim Jewish life was part of the culture and history of Rheinhessen for generations. In almost all Rhine-Hessian towns and communities, Jewish families lived side by side with their Catholic or Protestant neighbors, including Harxheim. Old...
Mar 7, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Fritz Mayer The eldest son of Ferdinand Mayer, Moritz Fritz, call name Fritz, born on August 21, 1907, went to elementary school in Harxheim and graduated in 1926 (in Mainz or Frankfurt). 1) 3) According to the stories of his sons Thomas and...
Mar 7, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Judith Mayer Ferdinand’s widow Judith prepared her emigration to the USA from October 1938. Of the household goods and furnishings she wanted to take with her from her Frankfurt apartment, half were removed from the inventory list by the...
Mar 7, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Johanna Mayer Johanna Mayer was born in Harxheim on June 9, 1909. She spent her school years in Harxheim and Mainz. Harxheim elementary school, ca. 1920, grades 1910 to 1913. Herta (1913, 2nd row, 3rd from right) and Johanna (1910, 3rd row,...
Mar 7, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Simon Mayer Simon, born in Harxheim on April 20, 1919, was the youngest of five siblings. Like the other children in the family, he first attended the local elementary school and then a high school in Mainz. At the end of 1934 he moved with...
Mar 6, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Family Ferdinand and Judith Mayer In today’s Untergasse 19 lived for generations the merchant family Mayer. Last were Ferdinand (born 16.07.1880 in Harxheim) and wife Judith, née. Weil (born on 30.03.1881 in Randegg near Esslingen)...