Mar 6, 2023 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Family Moritz and Katharina Gutha Mayer In Untergasse 13 lived another family named Mayer: Moritz (born on 17.10.1879 in Harxheim) and wife Katharina Gutha, née Reinheimer (born on 05.05.1879 in Reinheim near Dieburg) and the two sons Julius...
Nov 1, 2022 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Other Jewish persons According to research by Rüdiger Gottwald, the Jewish families Sommer and Goldschmitt lived at the end of the 19. respectively in the first years of the 20th century successively a small house in the Gaustraße 5 in...