May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Field path in the Lochsteig Harxheim field name 1 “AUF DEM HARTENBERG” (1413)In old documents the name always appears with the preposition “An” and with the spelling “-tt”, which reminds of the old German personal name...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Wingertsweg Alte Rindssteig / Old cattle trail Harxheim field name 1 “BEHIND HAUSEN” (1304)The name “Hinter Hausen”, in which Middle High German “hûsen” has been preserved, indicates old and good vineyards, which were always located...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Feldweg an der Schnur / Field path on the string Harxheim field name 1 “IM HEIDENLOCH” (1413)The word “heath” in this place by no means means an uncultivated land. The name may be more likely to heather grain (buckwheat). In 1825, about 1,800...
May 10, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Am Schloßberg / At the castle hill Harxheim field name 1 “at / in the castle hill”This is a reinterpretation of the field name “Am / Im Schoßberg”, which still appears in a map of 1839 / 40. The term “lap” could refer to an...
May 9, 2023 | Chronicle, Historical plot numbers
Unterer Börnchenweg / Lower Börnchenweg Harxheim field name 1 “OSTERSTEIG / ON THE OSTERSTEIG” (1309)The Ostersteig owes its name to an ascending path (Steige) used for Easter celebrations and processions long before the chapel was built in 1864. 2...