Nov 25, 2022 | Chronicle, Harxheim tales
“Es Spritze-Heisje” Every community in Rheinhessen had, in some cases until the 1960s, a central point in the village for mixing sprays to control pests and leaf diseases in the vineyards. In Harxheim this place was located in the Spritze-Heisje. A small...
Nov 25, 2022 | Chronicle, Harxheim tales
“Es Brockelche” – village servant, field gunner, and delivery man Every community in Rheinhessen had people who were somehow special in their own way. Lovable, but sometimes very quirky. Unfortunately, this category of fellow human beings has become...
Nov 25, 2022 | Chronicle, Harxheim tales
About the goodness and many of the wine from the year 1558 to 1862 A privately owned handwritten documentation reports on the basis of short comments of the author about the annual wine harvests as well as the weather conditions in the period from 1558 to 1862. The...
Nov 1, 2022 | Chronicle, Jewish life in Harxheim, Local history
Jewish life in Harxheim: Other Jewish persons According to research by Rüdiger Gottwald, the Jewish families Sommer and Goldschmitt lived at the end of the 19. respectively in the first years of the 20th century successively a small house in the Gaustraße 5 in...