Dec 5, 2022 | Harxheim Points of Interest, Local history, Economic center "Old Harxheim"
Butcher shop and economy Fritzsch By Klaus-Werner Fritzsch and Siegfried Schäfer Without Worscht, without Woi…. this and no other could have been a family hymn of the long-established Fritzsch butcher dynasty. In 1896, Philipp Fritzsch and his wife Apollonia...
Nov 29, 2022 | Chronicle, Local history, War and post-war times in Harxheim
Harxheim cultural home “Kulturheim” The Harxheimer Kulturheim was built in 1950/51 by own contributions of the men’s singing club Frohsinn and the sports community 03 as Harxheimer sport and celebration place. In 1967 the celebrations of the 1200th...