Fragrant violet

Fragrant violet

Fragrant violet Fragrant violet (Viola odorata) is a dainty herb and forms creeping runners that can root themselves. In a rosette close to the ground are long-stalked leaves that are roundish to cordate, finely hairy, and notched at the edges. Pleasantly fragrant...


Deadnettle Purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) and white deadnettle (Lamium album): Hairy, heart-shaped to egg-shaped leaves with toothed edges grow on a square, hollow stem. The white or purple flowers sit just above the leaves around the stem. Visually, it...


Foamwort Meadow foamwort (Cardamine pratensis) and garden foamwort (Cardamine hirsuta): A hollow, glabrous stem grows from a ground-hugging basal rosette. The long-stalked basal leaves are pinnate and consist of roundish or ovate leaflets and a larger terminal...


Yarrow The tough, angular stem of yarrow (Achillea millefolium) grows lancet-like, multiple finely pinnate leaves. The inflorescence, which consists of yellowish white tubular flowers and white or pale pink ray florets, is flat and umbel-like. Caution is advised when...
Red clover

Red clover

Red clover Red clover (Trifolium pratense): From a short rootstock, a multitude of flowering stems develop in a lawn-like manner. The spherical flower heads consist of many individual pink to purple butterfly flowers. The leaves consist of three ovate leaflets, hairy...
Wild parsnip

Wild parsnip

Wild parsnip The wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) is a biennial umbelliferous plant and reaches a height of up to 120 cm. The angular furrowed stem, is branched from the middle. On it grow yellowish green, simply pinnate, shiny leaves. A leaf consists of 2 to 7 pairs...