May 9, 2023 | Chronicle, Hiking around Harxheim, Local history, Local history details
Rheinhessen’s history before 1816 Favorable climatic conditions and the Rhine as a traffic artery have attracted people to Rheinhessen at all times. Thus, the region called Rheinhessen since 1816 has also experienced eventful times long before that. First...
May 9, 2023 | Chronicle, Hiking around Harxheim, Local history, Local history details
Rhinehessen In 1816, after the repartition of Europe at the Congress of Vienna, our region was added to the Grand Duchy of Hesse and was given the name Province of Rhinehesse. Today, Rheinhessen is no longer an administrative unit, but now denotes an evolved cultural...
May 9, 2023 | Chronicle, Local history, Local history details
The Harxheim coat of arms The current Harxheim coat of arms was certified in 1967 by the Ministry of the Interior of Rhineland-Palatinate and goes back to an old court seal from 1636. The Harxheim local coat of arms is precisely defined in the official description of...
May 9, 2023 | Chronicle, Local history
Archaeological finds in Harxheim Harxheim was first mentioned in documents in the second half of the 8th century. Archaeologiscfindings, however, provethat in the Harxheim as in the rest of Rheinhessen, people lived in the Harxheim area much earlier.. Again and again,...
May 8, 2023 | Chronicle, Local history
Register of local citizens from 1837 to 1887 – Citizenship in the 19th century In the past, anyone who wanted to live in Harxheim had to be recognized and registered as a local citizen. On the list of Harxheim citizens from 1837 – 1887 there are many...
May 8, 2023 | Chronicle, Local history
Harxheim emigrants in the 18. and 19th century According to documents in the main state archives in Darmstadt, 118 Harxheimers left the town in the 18. and 19th century Harxheim to start a new life in another place. The Harxheim emigrants can be divided into three...