Harxheim address list from 1906

Harxheim address list from 1906

Harxheim address list from 1906 The address list for Harxheim from 1906 can be retrieved here can be found. This is an interesting document of contemporary history – not only for the old-established Harxheimers, whose family names were already on the list at...
Bakery Darmstadt

Bakery Darmstadt

Bakery Darmstadt Until 1969, the Darmstadt bakery, one of the two bakeries in Harxheim, was located at Obergasse 25. Besides the bakery, a grocery store was also operated. Obergasse 25 in 1909 Image source: Franz Götz (detail from a postcard from Harxheim from 1909)...
Forstbaumscher Hof

Forstbaumscher Hof

Forstbaumscher Hof The Forstbaumsche Hof is the only building with a stately character in Harxheim. Its name is derived from the However, the property, which was built in the 18th century, did not belong to its builder, but to the Frankfurt Forsboom family. She has...
Schick´sches Weingut

Schick´sches Weingut

Schick´sches Weingut The farm, built in 1725 for the Schick family from Mainz, was bequeathed to the city of Mainz in 1906 by the last descendant of the family, including the associated vineyards. The vineyards are currently leased from Weingut Fleischer in Hechtsheim...